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Martial Arts-Handsigns

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Martial Arts-Handsigns Empty Martial Arts-Handsigns

Post by Hyakushi Sat May 10, 2008 12:52 am

Ive been talking with alot of people about handsigns seen on Naruto the anime, well I want to know how many people do these as training?. Is it only me XD Hahahahahahaha. Well it doesn't do all the cool stuff in Naruto, its mostly a strength enhancer that helps you build fast adrenalin and makes the iron in your blood thicker. Theres many forms of these hand signs but you mainly start off by meditating forming the sign such as earth, air, water ext. Earth helps your body by making it tougher so when you get hit you won't feel a thing. Water helps you move and think clearly, air makes your nerves calm down. When in a fight your last hope is to make these signs in order to push out your last reamining energy to either block and move fast or calm down and think clearly.
There is a bad side to this traing though, if you are unfit or have breathing issues then you can most likely kill or seriuosly hurt yourself if your not physicly or mentally fit. If you smoke alot the iron in your blood can become toxic.
Young warrior
Young warrior

Number of posts : 64
Age : 35
Location : Hawaii naval base going on tour to Iraq on the 15th of May
Registration date : 2008-05-09

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Martial Arts-Handsigns Empty Re: Martial Arts-Handsigns

Post by Hyakushi Tue May 13, 2008 6:10 pm

Okay so there are four Khilwat weaves that help with meditation.
Earth weave=Courage and Strength
Water weave= Morality and Justice
Fire weave= Reasoning and Wisdom
Air weave= Temperance and Spirituality

These are the signs used in Al Jebr which is more Islamic but I'm not sure what the japanese hand signs are, I know them but I don't know the background of where they came from. Kempo use to teach these back when I was first learning but I'm not sure if they still do now.
Young warrior
Young warrior

Number of posts : 64
Age : 35
Location : Hawaii naval base going on tour to Iraq on the 15th of May
Registration date : 2008-05-09

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