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Post by NanteNa Tue Jan 01, 2008 6:32 am

1: No spamming and no advertising
2: Please make sure, that the thread you're about to make does not happen to be in the forum already
3: All clamings of jrockers etc. need to be respected. Rather that than trying to work out several bitchfights among fangirls all the time.
4: If you have news about a specific band or artist, please post it in the thread belonging to the artist. Don't raise a new thread cause you heard something new.
4a: Do NOT post any news unless you're absolutely sure they're true. It's alright to ask whether people believe a specific rumor or discuss older rumors - but don't post 'em on purpose just to spread a little drama around here.
5: According to the REQUEST THREAD, please always go to the VERY first page in the thread to check out what's already been requested before. I'll try as often as possible to keep it updated somewhere near every day.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact either me or another moderator/admin of this site. ^^
I will add rules to this thread whenever it seems to be neccessary.
Thanku very much~

Number of posts : 39
Age : 33
Location : Denmark -_-''
Registration date : 2007-12-31


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