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Anime Forum Rules ^_^

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Anime Forum Rules ^_^ Empty Anime Forum Rules ^_^

Post by Public_Monkey Sat Jan 05, 2008 3:27 am

Hi and welcome to the anime forum ^_^ I am Public_Monkey,
myself along with ForgotenMemory are the offical Mods for this
forum. Just thought i'd throw down a few basic rules to help
keep things running smoothly around here.

!. Absolutly no hentai is to be posted here (or anywhere else for that matter) any such material will deleted up its finding and the offender punished by death (okay maybe not but it could result in being banned and that just suxs)
2. Do not create a new thread for something that already exist (use that search option or just rummage through the forum yourself to make sure if it exist or not already)
3. No fighting. (I know that when debates between shows and characters happen, that things can and usually do get a little heated but lets try to keep it civil people)

These are just the basic rules and myself and FM reserve the right
to change or add to them at any time and point as deemed fit by

Just follow these rules and things will be just fine ^_^ And on behalf
of FM and myself welcome to the Anime Forums and have fun.

Number of posts : 44
Age : 42
Location : in the land of the pervs
Registration date : 2007-12-29

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